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Changing Colours

Bigger than a garden, smaller than a farm, Three Leaf Farmden is a small family owned operation growing “Certified Naturally Grown” produce and sustainably wild crafting herbs. Located in the beautiful and fertile Juniata Valley in central Pennsylvania, Three Leaf provides a space open to the curious mind interested in exploring the esoteric question of Man’s ultimate purpose, alternative healing modalities and community in spirit.

Three Leaf is also the agricultural base for its sister organization; Trifolia Natural Products and Botanicals, whose mission is to promote a deeper connection to the Earth and the items that sustain us through a community supported botanicals, (CSB) program that offers small batch high quality value added products in foods, body care and herbal therapeutics. For more information on membership and products visit the website at

Healing the Body

Expanding the Mind

Feeding the Spirit

As Autumn officially kicks into gear and the Fall colours begin to create picture perfect postcard vistas, work at Three Leaf has intensified as fruits and vegetables are harvested and production steps up to create many of the value added products that Trifolia Natural Products and Botanicals will be offering for the coming year.

Beautiful delicious crisp organic apples and pears will be made into pear cider vinegar (great for salad dressings), and apple cider vinegar that will be the foundation for a variety of products from daily dose health tonics and immune supporting fire cider to "comfort food" apple pie filling and applesauce. Apple cider vinegar ACV will also be the foundation for a new chemical free general household cleaner which Trifolia will be offering in 2018. Vine ripened tomatoes are already making their way into many kitchens as pasta sauce and will be offered sundried and drenched in olive oil and dried herbs in the coming winter months. Black walnuts are also littering the ground crunching under the wheels of the cars and horseradish waits to be pulled out of the ground and reincarnated as a zesty sauce. The colder weather is also an incentive to finish outside projects like securing the new sitting area in the herb garden and planting ornamental and shade trees on the Farmden grounds. There is always lots to do and see here, consider volunteering some time in the future to help out with all that is going on down on the Farmden and learn more about the plants in the world around us (see Volunteer page).

Whatever projects you are trying to finish off before Winter don’t forget to take the time to enjoy the last of the summer sounds and sights, rejoice in the brisk morning air and the gentle sunshine as we begin to wind down on 2018 and prepare for whatever winter weather Mother nature has in store for us. My good friend Peter Scheer planting new young trees at the Farmden. Here we are welcoming a golden rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata, Sapindaceae), traditionally used to treat conjunctivitis and epiphora and a young ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba, Ginkgoaceae), traditionally used to support brain function, increase energy, improve blood flow and fight inflammation. We also put in more lemon balm (Melissa officinalis, Lamiaceae), traditionally used for bronchial inflammation, mood disorders and high blood pressure. Looking forward to being able to offer tinctures, teas and other botanicals to support your healing in the near future.

Where to find Trifolia Products, Three Leaf Farmden have products available at the following locations: Saturday October 7, 2017. 8am-12noon Tractor Supply Company: 84 Nelson Rd, Mifflintown, PA 17059 Through October 31st 2017

Trifolia Natural Products and BotanicalsCaramelized Spice Pear Jam. - 1 pint- 480ml $5.00

Calendula lip balmneutral, peppermint, or orangeSoothing aid for dry lips. $2.00 -15ml

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar-8ozs $4.50

Organic elderberry syrup for immune support.8ozs- $7.00

Pure botanical Tinctures-1oz $8.00-12.00

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Three Leaf Farmden-Synergy Initiatives, believes in a gift society and that ones quality of life should not depend on ones bank balance. Please donate generously to ensure programs remain available to those that need and want them.

Three Leaf Farmden

P.O. Box 169

Port Royal, Pennsylvania

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